jeudi 26 juillet 2012

Château Cheval Blanc par Christian de Portzamparc

Cave sous la colline, nouvelle construction à Saint-Emilion

Le château Cheval Blanc est un domaine viticole situé en Gironde, mondialement connu pour ses vins excellents et les prix hallucinants de chacune de ses bouteilles, on connaît tous son nom mais très peu d’entre nous connaissent son goût ! Qu’importe, l’article de ce jour porte sur la nouvelle cave imaginée et conçue par l’architecte Christian de Portzamparc.
Dans un style ultra moderne, ce bâtiment amène l’art de la vinification à un nouveau niveau. Le design fluide de la cave ressemble au symbole de l’infini avec son toit tout en courbe et son jardin sur le dessus. Cette structure massive entièrement en béton se fond parfaitement bien dans le paysage des vignes et la base striée en bois et vitrée apporte une lumière naturelle parfaite pour l’intérieur. Aussi impressionnante que magnifique, cette « cave sous la colline » est une belle métaphore de ce vin prestigieux.
Pour en savoir plus sur Christian Portzamparc, cliquez ici.
Photos: Erick Saillet
Château Cheval Blanc Christian de Portzamparc Château Cheval Blanc par Christian de Portzamparc
Château Cheval Blanc Christian de Portzamparc 2 Château Cheval Blanc par Christian de Portzamparc

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mardi 17 juillet 2012

Pitagoras Arquitectos : Platform of Arts and Creativity

A Guimarães au Portugal, l'agence Pitagoras Arquitectos a transformé un vieux marché ouvert en complexe culturel et artistique.
En lieu et place de l'ancienne infrastructure, la Plateforme des Arts et de la Créativité étire aujourd'hui ses volumes simples et habillés de cuivre dans la ville. Dédié à la création artistique et aux activités culturels et socio-économiques, ce lieu multifonctionnel se compose de 3 espaces majeurs : le "Art Centre" qui abritera la collection permanente et les expositions temporaires, les "Workshops of Creative Support", des espaces de création permettant à de jeunes artistes de développer leurs projets ainsi qu'un restaurant et une librairie et enfin les "Creative Labs" qui accueilleront de jeunes entreprises créatives en cours de développement.
Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Pitagoras Arquitectos.

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Love The Life : Masters Craft Palace Hotel Tokyo

Située dans le quartier de Chiyoda-ku à Tokyo, cette boutique d'objets artisanaux japonais a été aménagée par Akemi Katsuno et Takashi Yagi de l'agence japonaise Love The Life.
Inspirées d'un paysage de montagne et de foret, de fines structures de bois rythment l'espace et permettent la présentation des objets.
Photographies : Shinichi Sato
Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de l'agence Love The Life.

samedi 14 juillet 2012

V&A Exhibition Road by AL A 

Architects AL_A have been granted permission to construct a subterranean gallery beneath a new entrance courtyard at the V&A museum in London (+ slideshow).
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
Bounded by the existing museum walls on Exhibition Road, the public courtyard will provide a space for installations and events, with a cafe and an additional route into the building.
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
Patterns in the paving will correspond with the folds of the 30-metre-long exhibition room ceiling below, while glazed inserts will let in natural light.
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
“We’re reimagining the dialogue between the V&A and Exhibition Road,” explains architect Amanda Levete, ”and in doing so, creating a new public space in the cultural and learning heart of London.”
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
AL_A won a competition to design the extension last year, ahead of proposals by six other candidates.
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
The project is scheduled to complete in 2015.
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
The V&A also recently announced plans to open a new furniture gallery later this year.
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
Here’s the full press release from AL_A:

AL_A V&A Exhibition Road project receives planning permission
AL_A announces that the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has granted planning permission for the V&A Exhibition Road development to create a new gallery, public courtyard and entrance into the museum from Exhibition Road. AL_A’s design aims to unlock the potential to bring in audiences to the V&A by proposing a relationship between museum and street that does not exist today.
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
The scheme creates a physical permeability with the formation of a new public space, a courtyard, which will provide not only an additional entry point, but has the potential to change the visitor journey through the museum and to allow them to discover more of the collections. An outdoor room bounded on all four sides by architecturally-significant façades, it will create a place to pick up a coffee or have a drink after work, a space for major installations and events, but above all a space for appropriation by visitors.
The design celebrates the descent to the new gallery as an important part of the visitor’s journey, woven into the fabric of the museum and framing unique views of the museum’s fine façades. Visitors will be drawn to the gallery below by natural light, lessening until reaching the bottom where a dramatic pool of daylight appears magically underground. Descent and ascent have been designed with a specific focus on the manipulation of light and interplay between new and old.
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
The gallery will be a new home for a full programme of the V&A’s world-class exhibitions. A folded plate ceiling will span 30 metres and soar over the visitor despite being underground. Its design was inspired by the neo-Gothic and neo-Classic museological tradition of ornate ceilings, continuing the didactic role in promoting the art and craft of manufacture.
The structural form and geometry of the gallery ceiling seeps through to the pattern of the courtyard above, giving a perspective of the exhibition space below. The visitor will be aware of the gallery directly beneath their feet. In turn, the structural solution of the ceilings generates the paving pattern of the courtyard.
V&A Exhibition Road by AL_A
Amanda Levete, Principal of AL_A said: “This is a defining project for AL_A. We’re reimagining the dialogue between the V&A and Exhibition Road and in doing so, creating a new public space in the cultural and learning heart of London. It’s made particularly special by the V&A collections having inspired so much of our work.”
Work on site will commence in 2012 with proposed completion by the end of 2015, opening in 2016.

Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc

Californian architects amphibianArc have designed a shape-shifting “transformer building” for a Chinese machinery company, with a facade that flaps like the wings of a huge insect (+ movie).
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
The exhibition centre, for industrial vehicle manufacturer Zoomlion, is designed to mimic the movements of eagles, butterflies and frogs.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc

Hinged steel and glass panels resembling dragonfly wings at both ends of the building are mounted on hydraulic arms, allowing them to open and close like Transformers.
The building is due to be built on a site at Zoomlion’s science park in Changsha, Hunan Province and will be used for exhibitions and product displays.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Other buildings that move on Dezeen include a house that slides open and huts that roll on railway tracks.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Here’s a project description from amphibianArc:

Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center
The Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center is located in the city of Changsha, Hunan Province of China.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
The project has a total of four floors with a footprint of 3,100 square meters, a total area of 10,074.90 square meters, and a total building height of 26 meters. Zoomlion is one of China’s leading manufacturers of heavy machinery equipment and ranked top 10 globally in the heavy machinery industry. Our criteria for the design for its headquarters exhibition center are to match its forward thinking, unique, and mechanistically imaginative corporate image and values.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
The most unique aspect of our project design is the building’s ability to change shape, or transform, literally. The double skin system throughout the building makes this “transformer building” possible. The inner skin takes care of the enclosure and building systems.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Click above for larger image
The outer skin contains operable portions which can be opened or closed to mimic different animal forms. From a plain rectangular box as the initial state, the north facade transforms into an eagle and a butterfly, the south folds into a swimming frog.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Click above for larger image
These animal forms reflect the company’s understanding of the delicate balance between nature and artificial invention, and their embrace for environmentally sound human development. Also, as a design strategy, we adopted ideographic forms to convey traditional Chinese cultural symbolism for leadership (eagle), ephemerality and fragility (butterfly) and prosperity (toad).
Click above for larger image
The intricate pattern on the façade is originally inspired by the wing patterns on butterflies or dragonflies. To achieve the systematic and organic nature of the patterns found on the wings of these insects, we used parametric modeling tools to generate and design the façade.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Click above for larger image
The material for the skin is steel and glass. The pattern provides a light but sturdy structure. It conceals and incorporate the hydraulics which move and hold it in place.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Click above for larger image
The result is a beautifully laid out intricate pattern, which allows daylight to penetrate into the exhibition hall and light emanate out into the corporate campus at night.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Click above for larger image
To bring this design into actuality and assure its functionality and durability, we have been working with renowned international engineering firms on the constructability and procurement process.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Click above for larger image
Their experience has shown how a cross disciplinary effort can increase the efficiency and quality of the product. Kinetic and static structures are separated as engineering services.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Click above for larger image
Engineers in coordination with architect and client will provide a set of system specifications for both static and kinetic structures, similarly to product specification.
Zoomlion Headquarters Exhibition Center by amphibianArc
Click above for larger image
After the schematic design phase all documents are given to a specialty fabricator with engineering capability to design, fabricate, install and warranty the final product, overseen by the original engineer. This streamline process starts communication early, allowing each team to interject into the process in time to provide their strength and assure the highest quality result.
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